Frequently Asked Questions

Vouchers and Promotions

  • There could be a few reasons why this message appears. Firstly, ensure that you've typed the voucher code correctly, making sure there are no spaces between the numbers and letters. Your voucher may also have expired; you can verify the expiry date on the email containing the voucher number. Please note that the voucher number is distinct from the order number and will not have 'RS00-' in it.

  • To redeem your voucher, visit our online editor at and create your order. During the checkout process, you'll have the opportunity to enter your voucher or promo code and apply it. Remember, you can only use one voucher or promo code per shopping cart.

  • You can view your list of vouchers by logging in to your RapidStudio account. If you acquired your voucher through a promotion or as a gift, you will need to email our support centre for more information on its value.

  • To input your voucher or promo code, navigate to the first page of the shopping cart during checkout. You'll find an option to enter your code there. Remember, only one voucher or promo code can be applied per cart.

  • Unfortunately, according to our terms and conditions, you can only use one voucher or promotion code per transaction. You won't be able to use both at the same time.

Order and Delivery

  • You will receive an email informing you that your order is out for delivery, which could take up to 72 hours. Once you receive this email, your order is packed and awaiting courier collection. If you're in an outlying area, delivery may be subject to the courier's specific schedule for your location. Couriers generally don't deliver on weekends or public holidays.

  • Our standard processing time is 7 working days upon receipt of correct files and payment. Expedite services are available at an additional cost of R250, cutting the processing time to 3-4 working days.

  • Certainly, our accounts team can email you an invoice once your order payment is confirmed.

Designing Your Book

  • Creating a professional photo book is easy. Register an account at and follow the design instructions. For further guidance, watch the following YouTube video:

  • We encourage you to create your own book using our user-friendly platform. It's an accomplishment you'll be proud to share. For guidance, watch the following YouTube video:

  • We offer two paper types: Silk paper is our default, providing a balanced sheen finish. Layflat paper, available for specific book sizes, includes a hinge that allows the pages to lie flat, making it ideal for panoramic or detailed spreads. Layflat paper is only available in A4 Landscape, 21x21cm and 30x30cm.

  • The vertical black line on the right side of the editor contains various icons for layouts, backgrounds, and other design elements. Hover over each to understand its function and make your book truly unique.

  • We provide an easy-to-use online editor and instructional videos to assist you. Due to this, we do not offer design services, but we are confident that you'll find our resources more than adequate.

  • We are in the process of enhancing the online editor. While some features may not be fully implemented yet, you can find a collection of backgrounds and clipart to use. Masks will be added in the future. To arrange your pictures and elements, utilize the icons located at the top of the selected image.

  • Please ensure that your pictures are not larger than 20MB each to ensure smooth uploading.

  • Our online editor offers the flexibility to accommodate a varying number of photos per page. If you have more photos than available picture boxes, you have the option to add extra pages to your project.

  • No! but your book needs breathing space around your text and picture, so it will look better if important elements are within the green line. Do NOT get to close too the red line. The red line serves as a definite boundary where cropping will occur but this is not 100% accurate; the tolerance is plus or minus 2mm. Positioning your image between the red and green lines may result in an unsightly thin white edge, compromising the overall look. If you want your picture to "bleed" off the page, Drag your image off the page.

  • Yes, there are two ways to order your files. Go to the calculator page of the product that you would like to order, choose the size and finishes that you would like, then either use the link option to send us your files or import your files into a blank project.

Additional Services and Concerns

  • Yes, we can provide a PDF version of your book at a cost of R250 per file. After processing, we'll send the PDF to your email. Please let us know if you'd like to proceed, and we'll send you a PayFast request for payment.

  • Our current system only supports online editing, but if you have Photoshop or a similar application, you can design your pages offline and save them as JPG files. Then upload these files to your book when you have access to uncapped internet.

Contact RapidStudio's Support Desk

Monday to Friday 09h00 - 17h00
Closed on Weekends & Public Holidays

21b Stephenson street, Village Main
Gauteng, South Africa