RapidStudio's Cabin-fever-busting ideas
Steven Hook / 18 March 2020

Cabin-Fever-Busting Ideas for Social Distancing Families
Amidst social distancing, there are loads of ideas and opportunities to increase connection and celebrate our memories and love for one another. The RapidStudio team has brainstormed and scoured the internet for the best ideas for keeping kids busy and engaged through this time.
Usually when we have family time, we're expecting it: summer holidays, trips planned, activities scheduled, friends visiting. It's normal for parents to feel nervous about this unplanned time for kids at home amidst school closures and social distancing recommendations to ‘flatten the curve’ of coronavirus.
Principles – Routine and Prioritising Education
Firstly, experts recommend acknowledging how stressful the situation is and that stress is normal. Pause on that for a moment – acknowledge how you’re feeling, that it’s tough, you feel unprepared and uncertain… and when you’ve done that for long enough, let’s work together to make this easier by sharing ideas about how to connect and keep calm during these times.
1. Establish a Routine
The schedule below first shared by mom Jessica McHale has gone viral. She crafted a colourful “COVID-19 Daily Schedule.”
“I knew in order to keep my kids mentally engaged and happy for however many weeks we’re home, they’ll have to have something to look forward to,” McHale reported. “It reduces anxiety in kids that are anxious because they have that structure to look to.”
While it may be easy to draft a schedule, the hard part is actually sticking to it. That’s why McHale recommends printing the schedule out and keeping it posted around the house, so kids and teens can see it every day and make check marks next to their completed tasks.
2. Prioritise Education
Any materials, links, and tips shared by our children’s educators and schools should be prioritised. In the morning, while young minds are fresh, try and knock over some educational activities. Use the later activities on the schedule to incentivise completion of educational work.
Top Quarantine-Busting Ideas for Families
- Make a Terrarium: Use a glass jar with a lid, small animal figurines, plants, and soil from the garden. Ask your child to create a terrarium using things around the home and garden.
- Little Chefs: Contain dinner prep tasks in a box (e.g., wash potatoes). Adding a chef’s hat for kids can make the experience even more exciting.
- How Does It Work? Let kids take apart old electronics and explore their insides. Once finished, turn them into robots or art sculptures.
- Revitalise Snail Mail: Teach children about traditional letter writing. Write letters to loved ones or even to healthcare workers as a gesture of gratitude.
- Egg Carton Exploring: Give children an egg carton and ask them to find 12 different leaves or flowers. Plant seeds in the carton afterward and watch them grow.
- Let’s Have a Spa Day: Use nail polish, bath bombs, and washcloths for a fun and relaxing activity.
- Let’s Clean! Demonstrate the importance of handwashing with water, pepper, and soap. Involve children in cleaning surfaces at home.
- Care Packages: Encourage empathy by brainstorming care package ideas for those in need. Assemble packages and deliver them safely.
- Make Your Own Music Video: Let kids create a music video with costumes and choreography. Record it for fun memories.
- Build a Movie/Reading Fort: Use sheets, torches, and cushions to create a cozy space for movies or reading.
- Build a City: Use old boxes, toilet roll inners, and markers to create a miniature city. Let the project evolve over days.
- Make a Photobook: Use RapidStudio to create photobooks. Fun themes include baby photos, family holidays, recipe books, quarantine diaries, and school learning themes.
From the RapidStudio Family
We wish you calm, connection, and good health during this time. Despite the seriousness and threat of the situation, we hope you and your family remain safe and find a silver lining in the opportunity to grow and spend time together.
If you’ve found this article useful for helping families cope better during this time, please feel free to spread the love and share. As a small business, RapidStudio appreciates your support during these times of uncertainty.